First here you have a video about this wonderful cheese as an introduction if you don't know it aquí
Last friday I was really tired even for going out to have dinner, so we decided to buy some cheese and a botle of wine and spend the night home.One of the cheeses I bought was blue stilton, for me the best blue cheese you can have. I have left a link for more information about this fabulous cheese. First time I tried blue stilton was when I was living in the UK and since then it has been my favourite.
When the cheese I had left I make on saturday this risotto with spinach and blue stilton that was really delicious.
Ingredients for two persons
200 g of spinach
blue stilton cheese
white wine
2 onions
vegetable stock
2 tablespoon of butter
olive oil
Poach the onions in the olive oil until brown.
Put the spinach in the pan and let then cook
put the rice into the pan and ad a glass of white wine and stirr
Add the stock, it must be boiling
keep stirring the rice
after 10 minutes put the butter and the cheese and keep stirring
pour more stock if needed
200 grs de espinacas
2 cebollas
1 vaso de vino blanco
caldo vegetal
queso azul stilton
2 cucharadas de mantequilla
aceite de oliva
Pon la cebolla a dorar en una sartén
Añade las espinacas dejarlas cocinar hasta que estén hechas
Añadir el arroz
Añadir el vino blanco
Una vez que se absorba añadir el caldo vegetal que deberá estar hirviendo
Remover el arroz todo el tiempo
Cuando pasen diez minutos de coción añadir la mantequilla y el queso
Has de recordar que si alguna vez te vieras en Albolote, si un viejecito te levanta la barbilla y la mano y te dice "muhuerteee" no te esta deseando la muerte; el saludo es un conciliabulo que viene a ser: "mu buenas tardes, como esta usted".