domingo, 6 de enero de 2013


                           A WALK THROUGH CHINATOWN IN SAN FRANCISCO ...                                                            It makes me have a craving for Asian Food, but here at home it is imposible to find even a   cheap chinese restaurant so I have to create something that feels like this.


First you have to marinate the tuna fillets into a mixture of soy sauce and balsamic vinegar, I used for this ocassion a vinegar made of Pedro Ximenez which, by the way, I bought in Sanlúcar. After that put the tuna into a pan with a bit of olive oil and let the tuna browned on the outside a leave it a bit  raw on the inside.
The result is the following. The taste is a bit like asian food.

Primero hay que marinar el atún con una mezcla de salsa de soja y vinagre balsámico. Luego se pone a la plancha para que se dore por fuera y se quede crudo por dentro. Este es el resultado

And a very easy noodles' recipe I made the other day, just need some mushrooms, garlic, white wine and soy sauce. In a wok put chopped garlic and mushrooms to cook with olive oil, when they start to brown pour white wine and when wine had disolved add soy sauce and water and cook the noodles for five minutes.
This is the result, as you can see it is a very easy to cook dish and very fast to prepare.

Una sencilla receta de noodles que hice el otro día, lo único que se necesita son setas, ajo vino blanco y salsa de soja. Pones en el wok ajo picado, setas y aceite de oliva, cuando empiecen a dorarse se añade vino blanco y cuando este se haya disuelto se añade salsa de soja y agua y se cocinal los noodles durante cinco minutos. Este es el resultado como ves fácil y rápido.